TUV SUD opening a branch in Iran

TUV SUD opening a branch in Iran
TIN news|*Samareh Moradreza: TUV SUD held a conference in Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran this morning in the presence of officials of Ministry of interior, Ministry of Roads & Urban Development and Urban services for present their abilities

In this regard, one Senior Advisor of rail transportation said that, this company has opened an office in Iran and transport companies and trade association can use of consulting services provided by this company

Mohammad Satei in an Interview with Tinnews said: due to good development in rail industry; including Infrastructure, Electric trains, high-speed trains, increasing the number of passenger and freight wagons occurs; we found that Standardization and uniformity is needed in the field of railway.
He added, with entering of technology from Asian and European side, uniformity is required in this field to reach safety and security of cargo and passengers.
Meanwhile, the programs of TUV SUD in this conference were about Standardization in rail transport, specific standards and certification in field of infrastructure, fleet and high-speed trains
The Senior Advisor Of rail transportation mentioned that TUV SUD are cooperating with IDRO Group and in another part of this conference TUV SUD explained about inspection procedures and techniques and introduced some software are using in this field around the world

He stated that one of the important points which were raised at the conference today was Regulator System in rail transport in Iran. According to different models of transportation such as intercity transport and public transport, the mentioned system can provide a local standard for Iran
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