Dublin Airport unveils Irish art installations

 Dublin Airport unveils Irish art installations

TIN news:  Ireland’s Dublin Airport has unveiled a wide range of Irish art installations to introduce passengers to the European country.

The art installations that depict native wildlife and the unique quality of Irish light have been deployed at three locations after the passenger security screening checkpoints in the two terminals of the airport.

Dublin Airport managing director Vincent Harrison said: “We strive to offer our passengers the best possible experience when travelling through Dublin Airport.

“We want passengers to feel that they are still in Ireland and not just at the beginning or the end of their journey at the airport.”

Located on the passenger journey between Terminals I and II, an installation, entitled Vibrant Irish Light, displays a spectrum of rainbow colours which vary in intensity at different times of the day.

The vibrant design is complemented with the poem, Swanlight, written by the late Irish poet and philosopher John O’Donohue.

"The initiatives to date show that beautiful images or lighting can greatly enhance the ambience in particular areas of the airport."

The designs depicting the wildlife and nature of Ireland are installed separately across two passenger departure areas, and are complemented with quotes from different Irish poets and writers.

Harrison added: “The initiatives to date show that beautiful images or lighting can greatly enhance the ambience in particular areas of the airport.

“These visually creative areas have been designed with a unique Irish flavour that includes Irish poetry and phrases with images of wildlife, land and colour to leave passengers with a positive lasting impression of Ireland.”

The other five areas of the airport are slated for improvement over the coming months.


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