Dominic Ho Chiu Fai Joins Singapore Airlines Board As Independent Director

Dominic Ho Chiu Fai Joins Singapore Airlines Board As Independent Director

TIN news:  Singapore Airlines announced the appointment of Mr. Dominic Ho Chiu Fai to its Board as an Independent Non-Executive Director, with effect from 1 May 2017.

Mr. Ho, 66, brings to the Singapore Airlines Board several decades of experience in the accounting profession. He is a Member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Mr. Ho began his career as an auditor with KPMG in 1975 in the US city of Houston, covering a wide range of industries. He retired in 2007 as Co-Chairman of KPMG, China and Hong Kong.

During his career with KPMG Mr Ho was regarded as its China business specialist. He advised on China’s offshore oil industry, participated in the formation of China’s taxation system, was involved in initial public offerings (IPOs) of Chinese companies and assisted foreign companies with their investments in China. In the 1990s he was commissioned by the Chinese Government to lead a team to perform a feasibility study of the Chinese aviation industry aimed at restructuring it ahead of the launch of airline IPOs.

Mr. Ho is Non-Executive Chairman of DBS Bank (China) Limited. He is also an Independent Non-Executive Director of DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, Hang Lung Properties Limited and Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

Mr. Ho has a Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Science, both from the University of Houston. He was a past member of the Corruption Prevention Advisory Committee of Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption, and a past member of Hong Kong’s Insurance Advisory Committee.


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