projecting Airbus’ brand and image in the computer simulation market

 projecting Airbus’ brand and image in the computer simulation market

TIN news:  Airbus is taking steps to work more closely with the computer gaming industry, encouraging the development of flight entertainment simulations, games, apps and add-ons while ensuring best use of the Airbus brand and image.

When this relationship results in authorised use, developers and flight simulation enthusiasts will be able to apply the “Airbus officially licensed product” label.

A campaign will be launched this year to communicate with the sector, and new releases also will be monitored – with Airbus approaching third-party companies about becoming licensed.  

There is real enthusiasm inside Airbus for this new strategy, which is drawing on cross-functional expertise from the company’s operations in Toulouse, France; Hamburg, Germany; and India, according to Heike Blum, Legal Counsel, Intellectual Property (IP). She added: "Experts with Airbus from Customer Services, Training, Contracts and Communications are involved."


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