GFK deploys TSA’s new security checkpoint screening equipment

GFK deploys TSA’s new security checkpoint screening equipment

TIN news:  The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has deployed the latest security checkpoint screening technology at Grand Forks International Airport (GFK) in North Dakota.

Referred to as Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT), a new body scanner will be installed at the airport to screen passengers in order to detect any metallic or non-metallic items, such as weapons, explosives and other objects that can be concealed in layers of clothing.

TSA federal security director for North Dakota David Durgan said: “The installation of an AIT in the TSA security checkpoint will increase the efficiency of the screening process for passengers departing GFK.

"The installation of an AIT in the TSA security checkpoint will increase the efficiency of the screening process for passengers departing GFK."

“In addition, this technology is another way that TSA is able to detect current and evolving security threats to the aviation system.”

TSA-operated AITs are equipped with automated target recognition software designed to ensure passenger privacy by creating a generic, computer-generated outline that is identical for all travellers.

When the body scanner detects a concealed item on the passenger, a yellow box appears on the generic outline. The yellow box identifies where a TSA official needs to conduct any follow-up screening.

Grand Forks Regional Airport Authority executive director Ryan Riesinger said: “This equipment is a significant enhancement that will not only increase security, but improve the passenger screening experience.”

The AIT does not use any X-ray technology to generate X-ray specific images of any passenger.

As the body scanner is not a metal detector, several travellers, including those with metal hips or knee replacements, prefer to be screened by the AIT.


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