Russia pilots appealed to ICAO upon Federal Air Transport Agency’s arbitrariness

Russia pilots appealed to ICAO upon Federal Air Transport Agency’s arbitrariness

TIN news:  Russian pilots and industry workers complained to the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) on the actions of Rosaviatsia.

They demand “to stop arbitrariness on the part of Rosaviatsia regarding aviation experts and training centers.” This is written by Kommersant with reference to the petition of the aviation industry employees.

The document states that the agency annulled the service certificates of hundreds of aviation specialists, “often without explaining the reasons or differently interpreting the laws.” The pilots are worried that another thousand certificates can be canceled in the next few days.

The aviation industry officials state that Rosaviatsia actions affected former military pilots, navigators and flight engineers, as well as private pilots, who graduated from non-state aviation training centers (ATS). At the same time, complaining employees note that the agency itself allowed to create ATS, which training programs were approved by officials. The certificates obtained after the completion of the centers corresponded to the provisions of the ICAO and the requirements of the federal aviation regulations.

A representative of Rosaviatsia told Kommersant that the courts had confirmed the legitimacy of annulling evidence. The Rosaviatsia believes that information about the carrier strike was forged in these documents; medical certificates were also forged. Rosaviatsia assure that the purpose of inspections is to improve flight safety, stressing that in 2015-2016 the number of accidents in general aviation increased.

The pilots believe that the ICAO can resolve all disagreements. They demanded to attract foreign experts for an independent check of Rosaviatsia in organizing initial training and issuing pilot certificates.

In addition, aviation employees require the return of recalled flight certificates. At the same time, the ICAO spokesman told Kommersant that “national or corporate labor issues in the air transport field should be decided by the relevant local institutions, companies and organizations.”

In Russia, you can become a pilot after graduating a primary program of secondary or higher education by the federal standard or go for additional professional retraining with technical secondary or higher education.

State higher educational institutions are located in St. Petersburg and Ulyanovsk, where they study for five years. In schools (AUC) it is necessary to study two years and 10 months. AUC prepares private pilots, but they can re-qualify students from one type of aircraft to another.

However, the petition states that even if the pilots underwent initial flight training at the AUC, and not at the state university, their licenses would be revoked. As a result of the work, “at least a quarter of all pilots in the Russian Federation” can be deprived of their right to flight, say the workers of the aviation industry.


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