Cobham and Draken Sign Teaming Agreement

Cobham and Draken Sign Teaming Agreement

Cobham Special Mission announced that it has signed a Teaming Agreement with Draken International for jointly developing solutions for the delivery of operational readiness training under the UK MoD’s Air Support to Defence Operational Training (ASDOT) program.

In order to prepare air, naval and land forces for the complex and multiple layered threats of today and for the future, the Teaming Agreement will bring together the extensive experience of both organisations in the delivery of operational readiness training. The combination of Cobham’s electronic warfare training expertise and technical excellence, in both the live and synthetic training environments, which has successfully been delivered to the UK MoD and internationally for the last 30 years, complemented by Draken’s world renowned reputation for delivering agile fighter adversary air services, will provide the most comprehensive and innovative operational readiness training solution for delivery of the ASDOT program.

Peter Nottage, CEO and President of Cobham Aviation Services, said:

“Cobham already has very considerable internal capabilities and experience in both the live and synthetic environments, but we continue to build on that core, internally and through strategic partnerships to offer world leading threat training across the full spectrum of the Live, Virtual and Constructive environment. This is about delivering world leading, full scope training services and this teaming with Draken adds a highly experienced and capable agile fighter training capability to the mix. Our work to advance existing in-house synthetic threat training technology development continues and when combined with our unparalleled electronic warfare training expertise, and Draken we will deliver an ASDOT solution which will provide the most advanced training environment in order to ensure military personnel and equipment are correctly prepared to conduct operations globally and with enhanced mission success.”

Jared Isaacman, CEO and President of Draken International, stated:

“There is definitely a global paradigm shift occurring amongst coalition militaries on how our warfighters accomplish readiness training. Now more than ever, operational forces need to be challenged against a realistic, threat-representative training adversary with enhanced capabilities and a capacity that allows 4th+/5th generation assets to effectively train. The force multiplying presentation this Cobham/Draken partnership provides for the ASDOT program will certainly deliver a robust contested training environment, testing our fighting forces against industry’s leading adversary service. These enhanced capabilities will be delivered cost-effectively, creating cost savings for the UK government.”

The competition for the ASDOT program is expected to formally commence later in 2017.


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