Prioritize Infrastructure & Smarter Regulation for Philippines Aviation

Prioritize Infrastructure & Smarter Regulation for Philippines Aviation

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called on the government of the Philippines to maximize the economic and social benefits that aviation can bring to the development of the country by (1) addressing airport infrastructure deficiencies in Manila, (2) abandoning proposals for increased taxation on aviation and (3) adopting Smarter Regulation Principles.

"Aviation is vital to the Philippines. It supports 1.2 million jobs and $9.2 billion in GDP. The domestic network binds the country across 7,000 islands. International links keep families and businesses connected, and bring in tourists. But the social and economic benefits of air transport are at risk if the key issues of airport infrastructure, excessive regulation and taxation are not addressed," said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA's Director General and CEO.

De Juniac was addressing the participants of the Philippine Aviation Day in Manila organized by the Air Carriers Association of the Philippines.


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