Jet Airways considers removal of 777-300ER first class cabin

Jet Airways could remove the first class cabin on its 10 Boeing 777-300ERs in favour of more business and economy seats.


Jet Airways could remove the first class cabin on its 10 Boeing 777-300ERs in favour of more business and economy seats.

Jet tells FlightGlobal the refurbishment "forms part of a comprehensive cabin upgrade programme being evaluated by the airline to improve its guest experience", and that the process will take up to two years.

"The move is highly likely to go ahead," says the airline.

The reconfiguration would see the seating capacity of the widebodies grow to 400. Flight Fleets Analyzer shows that each of the 777-300ERs is configured with eight seats in first class, 30 in business and 308 in economy - a total of 346 seats.

The carrier, however, did not disclose if it has selected the service provider for the refurbishment works.

Meanwhile, local media reports quote Jet's chief executive Vinay Dube as saying that the removal of first class cabins was due to the seats "not giving [them] the return we are looking for.... [and to] increase the cost efficiency (of the airline)".

Jet's first class seats are manufactured by B/E Aerospace, while the business and economy class seats are manufactured by Contour Premium and Recaro respectively.

Source: flightglobal


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