Iran to export petrol from Persian Gulf refinery

Persian Gulf refinery in southern Iran has joined petrol export market selling its product in energy bourse, according to the Managing-Director of Persian Gulf Star Company Mohammad-Ali Dadvar.

Iran to export petrol from Persian Gulf refinery

Persian Gulf refinery in southern Iran has joined petrol export market selling its product in energy bourse, according to the Managing-Director of Persian Gulf Star Company Mohammad-Ali Dadvar.

Dadvar made the remarks in a meeting on Wednesday with Ali Hosseini, the managing-director of Iran’s Energy Exchange.

He said that the destination of the first consignment of the Persian Gulf refinery’s product is most likely to be Afghanistan.

The refinery has already supplied LNG, Naphtha and different types of solvents in the energy bourse.    

Persian Gulf Star refinery, the world’s biggest refinery of gas condensates, is located in southern Iranian city of Bandar Abbas in an area of 700 hectares. It has the capacity of producing 360,000 barrels of gas condensates a day.

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