Automated e-gates at Brussels Airport to be replaced after years of passenger and police frustration

Belgium’s Federal Police is looking for a new and modern system to replace the current automated e-gates at Brussels Airport, Belgian newspapers Het Nieuwsblad and De Standaard report.

Automated e-gates at Brussels Airport to be replaced after years of passenger and police frustration

Belgium’s Federal Police is looking for a new and modern system to replace the current automated e-gates at Brussels Airport, Belgian newspapers Het Nieuwsblad and De Standaard report.

Barely two days after the inauguration with great pomp, the e-gates worth €2.4 million already refused operating (2015). Passengers were thus redirected to the old desks, so much for the time gain and the automation.

Installed to save on manpower, it turned out completely differently: due to all the defects, police officers rushed from one e-gate to another to reset the devices.

The unions representing the police officers working at Brussels Airport also issued a strike warning: during the next Spring Break (Dutch: Krokusvakantie) they will take action. The police officers are complaining about staff shortages and lack of resources.

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