Iran Has Most Secure Air Borders in Middle East

The deputy commander of the Iranian Air Defense said the country has the most secure aerial frontiers in the entire Middle East region.

Iran Has Most Secure Air Borders in Middle East

The deputy commander of the Iranian Air Defense said the country has the most secure aerial frontiers in the entire Middle East region.

General Alireza Elhami said in a military meeting in Hamedan that the Iranian Air Defense units have achieved such capabilities that Iran has now the most secure aerial borders in the Middle East.

He also noted that the smart military forces of Iran have a thorough control over all moves and measures of the enemies even kilometers outside the borders.

The Iranian forces have manufactured homegrown radars using advanced modern technologies which can monitor every hostile move very well, the general added.

In remarks in October 2020, commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force said Iran is one of the ten best manufacturers of military radars in the world.

The commander said the new radars, manufactured by the IRGC Aerospace Force, are capable of detecting stealth aircraft within a range of 350 kilometers and all other targets within a distance of above 1,000 km.

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