Ukrainian Fighter Pilot Killed in Combat, F-16 Downed

A Ukrainian Air Force F-16 pilot was killed in combat on August 26. Ukraine’s military announced three days later that it occurred during a Russian missile and drone attack.

Ukrainian Fighter Pilot Killed in Combat, F-16 Downed

A Ukrainian Air Force F-16 pilot was killed in combat on August 26. Ukraine’s military announced three days later that it occurred during a Russian missile and drone attack.

Oleksiy “Moonfish” Mes was reportedly one of Ukraine’s most skilled fighter pilots. He was the one of the first Ukrainian aviators to be trained in the F-16, with talent that carried until his death. The Ukrainian Air Force reported that Moonfish shot down three cruise missiles and one drone during his final mission. His memorial was held in Ukraine on August 29.

“His skills as a pilot were unmatched, his instincts razor-sharp,” former U.S. Representative Adam Kinzinger Kinzinger stated. He met Moonfish at an event in 2022. “He had a natural talent for flying, but it was his heart that set him apart. Moonfish flew not just for victory, but for justice—for the children of Ukraine, for the future of his nation.”

The Ukrainian military is investigating the cause of the crash. Marina Bezuhla, a member of the Ukrainian parliament, suggested that the accident may have been a result of friendly fire from a Patriot surface-to-air missile system. This was “due to a lack of coordination between units,” he commented on social media, but the theory remains unconfirmed. Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh declined to provide further details, affirming that the U.S. is staying out of the investigation.

This accident is problematic for the nation on several levels. Ukraine has only a handful of F-16s, though they are expected to receive up to 80 in coming years under the NATO alliance. Moonfish was one of few pilots sufficiently trained in the fighter.

Moonfish is the second high-profile Ukrainian fighter pilot to have passed on duty. Andriy “Juice” Pilshchykov, who was killed in a trainer aircraft accident last year, appeared with Moonfish in several media conferences. The pair were two of Ukraine’s strongest motivators to authorize the F-16 transfer.

“Oleksiy saved Ukrainians from deadly Russian missiles, unfortunately at the cost of his own life,” commented the Ukrainian Air Force. “Oleksiy Mes was a strong and loyal soldier, a high-class pilot, a leader on earth and in the sky, a good friend, a loving son, father, husband, and patriot of his country.”

#END News
source: aero-news
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