Iran, Russia discuss Caspian security

Iran, Russia discuss Caspian security

Ranking naval officials from Iran and Russia ruled out the presence of trans-regional forces in the Caspian Sea, stressing that security of the lake comes within the purview of its littoral states alone.

An Iranian military delegation, led by Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, and a Russian team met on the sidelines of the International Maritime Security Symposium (IMSS) 2017 in Indonesia on Saturday to discuss various issues, from naval cooperation to Caspian security.

In the gathering, both sides emphasized that the Caspian states are fully capable of ensuring the lake’s security.

They also called for efforts to enhance naval cooperation between Iran and Russia.

During his stay in Indonesia’s Bali to attend the symposium, Rear Admiral Sayyari also held meetings with navy commanders from Indonesia, Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan and Thailand.

The Iranian delegation left for Iran on Saturday.


source: Tasnim News Agency
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