The 11th ECO Ministerial Meeting on Transport

The 11th ECO Ministerial Meeting on Transport was virtually held under chairmanship of the Republic of Turkey on 2 February 2022 under the theme of “Facilitation of Transit for Post Pandemic”.

The 11th ECO Ministerial Meeting on Transport
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The 11th ECO Ministerial Meeting on Transport was virtually held under chairmanship of the Republic of Turkey on 2 February 2022 under the theme of “Facilitation of Transit for Post Pandemic”. The Ministerial Meeting was preceded by the High-Level Expert Group Meeting which was held virtually on 31 January 2022. The esteemed Ministers and heads of delegations from the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Uzbekistan as well as the representatives from UNECE, IsDB, IRU, ADB, OTIF, OSJD and ECO-TDB attended the meeting.


The ECO Secretary General, Amb. Khusrav Noziri in his statement highlighted the activities and achievements of the Organization in the transport sector during the last year particularly operationalization of ITI Road Corridor under TIR System in cooperation of IRU, resumption of ITI Train as one of the longest aspirations of the region, finalization of the joint project with IsDB and UNESCAP on commercialization of KTI Railway and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between Railway Administrations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran on the implementation of KTI Railway Freight Corridor, implementation of the joint project with UNECE and IsDB to promote eTIR and eCMR in the region, organization of several important sectoral meetings, namely on road, rail, maritime and customs as well as active participation in important international conferences and forums.


The Ministerial Meeting after due deliberations adopted the Ankara Declaration 2022 as its outcome document and also adopted its Report as per Agenda of the Meeting.


The Meeting also welcomed the offer of the Republic of Uzbekistan to host the next 12th Ministerial Meeting on Transport in Tashkent.


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