ONI World Threat to Shipping Report


TIN news: Τhe Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) has issued Worldwide Threat to Shipping Report for period 24 May – 25 June 2014. The report provides information on piracy threats to merchant mariners and naval forces for the last 30 days. Monthly Piracy Attacks by Region: WEST AFRICA: Saw the attach picture NIGERIA: On 24 June, approximately 30 armed robbers in two speedboats attacked elements of Nigeria’s Joint Task Force in a river area of the Nembe Local Government Area in Bayelsa State, in the Niger Delta. A spokesman said three of the suspected pirates died in the cross fire while a soldier and two boat operators were injured. The spokesman also said that the JTF destroyed an illegal oil bunkering site at Okpoko Creek in Warri South Local Government Area of Delta, seizing nine boats loaded with stolen crude oil. Also impounded were seven speed boats loaded with 75 large cans containing illegally refined oil products and five pumping machines. (SOUTHEAST ASIA AND INDIAN SUBCONTINENT Saw the attach picture 2 MALAYSIA: On 22 June, the crew and cargo barge from the still-missing tug MANYPLUS 12 were rescued by a Vietnamese fishing boat near position 08-12N - 115-46E, approximately 110nm northwest of Kota Kinabalu. The shipping company originally reported Figure 2. Southeast Asia Piracy and Maritime Crime UNCLASSIFIED the tug and barge missing on 16 June after they failed to show up at their destination port. INDONESIA:On 17 June, four robbers armed with knives boarded an anchored ship near position 03:57N – 098:46E, Belawan Anchorage. Duty crewman on security rounds saw the robbers and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm the robbers escaped. During an inspection, ship’s stores and properties were noticed to be stolen. (IMB)

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