Russia to produce Patriot SUVs in Iran

Russia to produce Patriot SUVs in Iran
TIN news:  Russian automaker Ulyanovsky Avtomobilny Zavod (UAZ) says it is planning to produce its iconic off-road Patriot vehicles as well as its pickup trucks in Iran.
Andrey Dorofeev, UAZ Export Sales Director, was quoted by media as saying that the company first needs to assess the capacity of the Iranian market and the demand for its products before beginning manufacturing.
"The Iranian automobile industry is well-developed and the government protects it with hefty import taxes,” Dorofeev told.
“So in order to achieve a significant sales volume, it is necessary to assemble cars on Iranian territory. But in order to understand the needs of the local customers, first it is necessary to begin supplying already-manufactured cars. We, along with our distributors, are ready to begin this process after the certification," he added.
The necessary arrangements for the move, along with the signing of several pertinent contracts, were made during the Iran Auto Show 2017, an international expo which was held in Tehran in February, Sputnik added.
The UAZ sold around 15,000 of its vehicles to Iran’s Defense Ministry in the 90s, Sputnik added.
“Soon… Iranian motorists will get a chance to familiarize themselves with these reliable and efficient vehicles,” added the report.
Earlier, Iran’s media reported that the company had already sealed a partnership deal with Iran’s Tavan Khodro for the production of its vehicles in Iran. The English-language newspaper Financial Tribune reported in February that the Patriot will be priced anywhere near 1.1 billion rials ($28,900), while the planned pickups are estimated to cost around 800-900 million rials each ($20,000 - $23,000).
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