UKHO new guides to simplify port entry and exit

UKHO new guides to simplify port entry and exit
TIN news:    The UKHO expanded its ADMIRALTY Port Approach Guide coverage to provide planning information on a single chart in order to help simplify port entry and exit.
UKHO's Port Approach Guides are port-scale charts that contain a wide range of planning and support information for some of the world's busiest ports. By allowing bridge crews to view this information in one place, each guide can help to simplify a number of passage planning tasks; making port entry and exit quicker and easier.
Port Approach Guides offer:
Information from a range of official ADMIRALTY charts and publications on one chart, helping bridge crews to plan for particular approaches and to support Master Pilot Exchange.
Quick Response (QR) codes, providing easy access to current warnings and notices for specific port areas.
Expanding coverage of some of the world's most complex approaches, including Antwerp, Rotterdam and the Panama Canal.
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