Three crewmen die from poisoning on Iranian cargo ship

A total of 12 crew members onboard the Iranian cargo ship 'Nazmehr' suffered poisoning and three of theme died, according to information by Iran's Ambassador to Baku as cited by local media.

Three crewmen die from poisoning on Iranian cargo ship

A total of 12 crew members onboard the Iranian cargo ship 'Nazmehr' suffered poisoning and three of theme died, according to information by Iran's Ambassador to Baku as cited by local media.

The dry cargo ship was en route from Kazakhstan to Baku, Azerbaijan, loaded with grain, when the crew was sickened by an unspecified 'chemical substance' which was used to preserve the cargo. The incident was reported about 21 miles off the island of Pirallahi, in central Caspian Sea.

The Azerbaijani coast guard responded to the incident and seven crew members were placed in the toxicology department of the Clinical Medical Center, while three men from the crew died while transferred to the hospital.

According to sources, the Ukrainian Captain refused to be evacuated and was provided medical aid onboard.

The exact causes of the incident are under investigation.




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