Concordia, Stena Weco to charter two eco MR tankers

Concordia, Stena Weco to charter two eco MR tankers

TIN news:  Concordia Maritime has signed a contract with Stena Weco, for the chartering of two IMO2/3 class MR tankers. Under the joint chartering arrangement, each company gets from a 50 percent share. The contract is for one year, and the charters run from June and July 2017. 

The vessels were built in 2013 and are ECO-design tankers. They will be operated by Stena Weco.

Kim Ullman, CEO of Concordia Maritime, sees the arrangement as fully aligned with the company’s chartering strategy.

“We are exploiting our ability to act quickly when the right opportunity arises – this time by taking positions counter-cyclically and further strengthening our position in the MR segment. With access to Stena Weco’s systems and networks, we are convinced that this will be a productive business arrangement” he explained


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