Ambitions for Denmark to be global maritime powerhub

Ambitions for Denmark to be global maritime powerhub

TIN news:  The maritime task force of the Danish Government presented its policy recommendations to the Danish Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs. The task force presented a series of concrete proposals, that touch upon all areas of the competitive framework for the maritime industry in Denmark, as it aims to strengthen the country as a global maritime powerhub, by securing even better framework conditions for ship owners.

The Danish Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Mr. Brian Mikkelsen, said that the proposals will form a strong foundation for considerations regarding future growth in the maritime sector, in order to attract maritime businesses and ship owners to Denmark.

”The recommendations from the Maritime Strategy Team is a great starting point for our work with a new maritime growth plan – a plan that will help to maintain and develop the international competitiveness of maritime industry. This is important for the creation of jobs and economic growth in Denmark” he noted.

Mr. Jesper Lok, chairman of the growth team, explained that the recommendations aim to attract a broader cross section of the maritime industry to Denmark and to help the country to better reap the benefits from the digitalisation growth that comes within the industry.

Director General of the Danish Shipowners’ Association, Anne H. Steffensen, sees the policy recommendations as an ambitious starting point, as it sets a high standard for the forthcoming political negotiations on the Government’s maritime actions.

“The new recommendations set the course for keeping Danish shipping at the forefront. They highlight the fact that Denmark is an attractive place to do business for ship owners and maritime companies, among other things due to the broad political backing in Denmark, which promise well for future growth” she pointed out.


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