Euronav to refloat grounded vessel

Euronav to refloat grounded vessel

TIN news:  Euronav ship management announced that contracted SMIT Singapore Pte Ltd. and PT Samudera Indonesia, to undertake the refloating operation of  its M/T ALEX crude oil tanker, which was involved in a grounding incident occurred on April 12th.

In particular, the company confirmed that the vessel is still safely aground on refa soft mud bottom, at the same position between Borneo and Sumatra. Continuous monitoring of ship’s condition has confirmed no breach of hull, cargo containment, or mechanical failures.

The refloating operation will include lightening of the vessel by ship to ship transfer of cargo.

On April 17th, following meetings with the Indonesian Authorities, including representatives from Euronav, Contractors, H&M and P&I insurers, the necessary arrangements for antipollution, fire-fighting and security at the site, have been agreed. Furthermore, permission to start a diving survey was granted and is underway.

Tank inspection with the presence of Class surveyor has been planned for April 19th.


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