Consistency of approach is the key to good publication management

Consistency of approach is the key to good publication management

TIN news:  The London P&I Club says its inspectors have consistently noted negative findings in connection with the management of ships’ chart folios and associated publications, as well as concern over the approach adopted by deck officers to the management of external navigational warning information from SAT-C and Navtex.The most common finding is the lack of application of Temporary and Preliminary Notices to voyage charts.

The club’s loss prevention officer, Carl Durow, said:

“Officers in charge of such activities are reminded that, while often temporary, T&P Corrections should not be regarded as less important to safe navigation than weekly permanent chart corrections. Ships’ ISM manuals should give clear and concise guidance on how the nautical publications are to be corrected to avoid inadequate and personal approaches being applied by ships’ officers.”

Another regular club finding relates to the poor or inconsistent application and management of permanent chart corrections. Mr Durow further commented that this can be a very time-consuming task, particularly when a global folio is maintained. 

”Where paper charts are in use, they should be kept corrected to the latest onboard edition of ‘Notices to Mariners’. Owners should consider the time-saving and most accurate step of supplementing their notices with the appropriate tracings when they are not provided.”  Mr Durow noted.

The London Club believes that consistent approach to publication management is essential and adds that the period of crew changeover is when consistency can either be maintained or lost, and where incoming officers with a potentially subjective approach to the task should take instruction from company policy and procedure and act accordingly.


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