Denmark ratifies the Hong Kong Convention

Denmark ratifies the Hong Kong Convention

TIN news:  Today, the Danish Parliament agreed the country to accede to the Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships. The Danish Shipowners Association welcomed this decision as the Convention sets global rules which aim at ensuring that ships, when being recycled after reaching the end of their operational lives, do not pose any unnecessary risk to human health and safety or to the environment.

Maria Bruun Skipper, Deputy Director of the Shipowners’ Association, sees today’s adoption in the Parliament as an important step towards sustainable ship recycling practices. However, the Convention will not enter into force until a number of countries have ratified it. For the entry into force of the Convention, it is required, among other things, that it is accredited by at least 15 countries whose combined merchant navy represents at least 40 percent of the gross tonnage of the global merchant navy.

“I am very pleased that Denmark, as one of the world’s leading maritime nations, now accedes to the convention. This means that Danish shipping companies will finally have a set of rules to follow when it comes to scrapping. In addition, it means that Denmark can now put pressure on other countries to follow suit and ratify the convention so that it can enter into force globally, “Maria Bruun Skipper commented.

Mrs Skipper also posted the following twitter on her personal account announcing today’s decision by the Parliament (Folketing)

The DK Parliament has just voted to pave the way for DK ratification of the Hong Kong Convention. Important step to ensure high standards.

— Maria Bruun Skipper (@maria_skipper) May 9, 2017

“Until the convention comes into force globally, we believe that shipping companies must engage in the countries that discontinue ships, and insist that it be done in accordance with the Hong Kong Convention. We must support a positive development with investments in environmental measures and safety for scrapping, rather than turning back, “Maria Bruun Skipper added.

So far, Norway, Congo, France, Belgium, Panama and Turkey have ratified this important Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships.


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