New online game educates in marine life challenges

New online game educates in marine life challenges

TIN news:  The environmental NGO, MEDASSET (Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles), working to protect sea turtles and their marine and coastal habitats in the Mediterranean, launched its new, online game “TEAM TURTLE” at the 37th International Sea Turtle Symposium in Las Vegas, USA, on the 20th of April, 2017.

The aim of TEAM TURTLE is to bring marine life and the challenges faced by endangered sea turtles right into the living space of young people, and to excite and educate them through an activity they would naturally choose for themselves – playing a game.

The design team’s approach was to enable players to take on the role of “rescuer” or “guardian” of the little hatchlings they see struggling to survive on screen. The company suggests that the game promotes the forming of an emotional bond between an individual and the life of the sea.

The launch of the new game was realised in a forum gathering sea turtle experts worldwide. The game is sponsored by Korean company, NK.

Costis Hassiotis, CEO of Oceanking SA stated: “We are all responsible for keeping our oceans healthy. Oceanking and our partners, NK, are proud to support MEDASSET’s work and the development of tools, like this engaging game, that help to cultivate the environmental awareness we need if we’re to build a sustainable future for ourselves and the generations to come. Such initiatives are part of Oceanking’s social responsibility strategy.”

In addition to being simply a fun game to play, TEAM TURTLE can be used by education professionals as an enjoyable part of any lesson plan focusing either on sea turtles or, more generally, on marine life.

Anna Stamatiou, MEDASSET’s General Secretary and member of the TEAM TURTLE development team observed: “We don’t have opportunities to experience the mysterious and ancient reality of a living sea turtle every day. What makes us first start to care about something? When we put time and effort into it; investing a part of our life”.


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