Jamaica calls for global regulations to promote safety

Jamaica calls for global regulations to promote safety

TIN news:  Jamaica’s Special Envoy to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council, Rear Admiral Peter Brady, is calling for the implementation of internationally accepted regulations, to effectively promote maritime safety, security, improved working conditions on board vessels, and pollution prevention by ships, the maritime authority of Jamaica announced.

Rear Admiral Brady says, as Jamaica launches its candidacy to the Council of the IMO (Category C), it is important that to highlight the need for a collaborative approach to these global issues.

According to Rear Admiral Brady, priority must be given to improving the prevention of marine pollution consistent with the sustainable development goals, set out under the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

He says ever since Jamaica became an IMO member over 40 years ago, it has supported a vast number of initiatives to improve maritime safety and security, working conditions for seafarers onboard ships and to establish a sustainable environmental policy.

Jamaica’s 2018-19 candidature to the IMO Council (Category C) was launched in February by Prime Minister, The Most Honourable Andrew Holness and Minister of Transport and Mining The Honourable Lester ‘Mike’ Henry, who praised the bid as a strategic move.

The IMO Council elections will take place during the 30th Regular Session of the IMO Assembly in London, from November 27 to December 8, 2017.


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