RMI introduces requirements to meet STCW Manila Amendments

RMI introduces requirements to meet STCW Manila Amendments

TIN news:  The provisions of the Manila Amendments have been effective since 01 January 2017. The Republic of the Marshall Islands inform that  all seafarer documentation issued by Ship Registry will be required to comply with the provisions of the Manila Amendments. Seafarers will need to submit documentary evidence of compliance with these provisions in any application that is submitted to the Administrator for the issuance of seafarer documentation.

RMI revised its marine safety advisory regarding the STCW Manila Amendments to include each new requirement, and what will be accepted as documentary evidence to satisfy the Manila Amendment provisions. In  particular, RMI advisory details requirements for deck officers, ECDIS, BRM,  engineering officers, new capacities and training.

Explore more by reading the advisory herebelow:


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