Danish Shipowners’ Association becomes Danish Shipping

Danish Shipowners’ Association becomes Danish Shipping

TIN news:  The Danish Shipowners’ Association announced that updates its visual identity and changes its name to Danish Shipping. The three organisations – Danish Shipowners’ Association, The Shipowners’ Association of 2010 and The Danish Car Ferry Association, that together represent all areas of the shipping industry in Denmark, already share a joint secretariat and from today they will also have a shared visual identity.

The new logo is based on the international Morse code, which for many years was the globally approved, principal method for communication within global shipping. The juxtaposition of the two Morse letters in the logo – D and K – also evokes the image of the Danish flag. The logo thus combines solid Danish roots with an international outlook – two elements that characterises today’s shipping industry in Denmark. 

The new name of the former “Danish Shipowners’ Association” to “Danish Shipping” was approved at the annual general meeting and is considered part of its continuous transformation, since its first establishment in 1884. The Danish Car Ferry Association also changes its name to the Danish Ferry Association.  

“The change is part of our overall strategy to continue to develop as a modern business and employers’ organisation, which serves as the voice of Denmark’s largest export industry and a focal point for Danish shipping companies. Danish Shipping will continue with this important task in the future, and to improve our impact we have chosen to make our name more straightforward and clear,” says Claus V. Hemmingsen, Chairman of Danish Shipping and Group Vice CEO, A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S.

The new visual identity gives the three organisations a unified appearance in its interaction with stakeholders. The three distinct colours originate from the cartographic colours and represent the shipping industry’s different subsectors:

  • The deep-ocean blue is found in Danish Shipping’s logo,
  • The light-blue represents the offshore sector and coastal traffic typically organised in the Danish Shipowners’ Association of 2010.
  • The green colour bears references to the land areas of Denmark and its neighbouring countries, which are connected by ferries, and thus represents the Danish Ferry Association.


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