Arrival Requirements for vessels calling on ports in China

TIN news: The Liberian Maritime Authority issued a marine notice, informing that there has been an increase in Port State Control inspections in China. As many of these inspections are reporting detainable deficiencies, the administration considers advisable that an Advance Notice of Arrival (ANOA) or notice of deficiencies and corrective action is provided.
The Administration reminds that, in nearly every case in which a vessel is detained, it was not provided with an Advance Notice of Arrival (ANOA) or notice of deficiencies and corrective action from the ship/company Designated Persons Ashore (DPA). However, if PSC inspectors are aware that the Administration has been informed of inoperative equipment or other deficiencies and that corrective action has been initiated, they are more likely to let the Administration control actions to address compliance. When the Administration has received an ANOA there is time to provide assistance to ensure compliance, thus minimizing any potential delays due to detention and noncompliance with the international conventions.
To better assist the vessel operator, the Master and the crew on board Liberian ships, the Administration will require Master’s and/or DPA’s to provide an ANOA to, at least 4 work days (96 hours) prior their vessel arrives at its first port in China. Marine Operations Note 1/2012 which encouraged ANOA is revoked. DPAs and Master’s should ensure their crews and vessels are prepared for Port State Control inspections and drills.
A completed checklist identifying any defective equipment, possible noncompliance and corrective action should be included with the ANOA. This will assist in minimizing potential problems with PSC and delay of the ship.