IMO’s virtual map showcase best practices for seafarer support

IMO’s virtual map showcase best practices for seafarer support

On the occasion of the Day of the Seafarer this year on June 25th, IMO has launched an online map dedicated to seafarers to celebrate their ‘unique contribution’. This year the theme is ‘Seafarers Matter’. IMO ‘encourages Governments, shipping organizations, companies, shipowners and all other parties concerned to duly and appropriately promote the Day of the Seafarer and take action to celebrate it meaningfully’.

This year, IMO is asking ports and seafarer centres all over the world to show how seafarers matter to them by showcasing the great initiatives and services they provide in supporting seafarers.  IMO is also organizing many special activities for next month such as social events, public open day at seafarers centres and free wi-fi in ports for the day. 



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