DMA focuses on maritime safety and clean shipping

DMA focuses on maritime safety and clean shipping

During “The Future of Maritime Safety & Security and Clean Shipping in the Baltic Sea Region” seminar, held on May 30, policy makers, industry representatives and Flagship Projects met in Brussels, to discuss the potentials and future. The Danish Maritime Authority brought focus on maritime safety and security and clean shipping in the Baltic Sea Region.

The DMA’s focus was on maritime safety and clean shipping in the Baltic Sea Region and maritime development projects, together with EU policy makers, representatives of the maritime industries and other stakeholders.

The Danish Maritime Authority is Policy Area Coordinator for the Policy Area on Clean Shipping (PA Ship) and Policy Area Co-Coordinator with the Finnish Transport Safety Agency for the Policy Area on Maritime Safety and Security (PA Safe) of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Acting in this capacity, the Danish Maritime Authority is working hard to ensure that results from EU-funded development projects contribute to enhancing growth and employment in the maritime sector in the Baltic Sea Region. The intention of the Danish Maritime Authority is to use the output from the seminar to integrate a stronger business focus into PA Safe and PA Ship.

The seminar included a panel debate where four members of the European Parliament (MEPs) presented their views on the most important future priorities for maritime safety and security and clean shipping in the Baltic Sea Region and how PA Ship and PA Safe can and should contribute to innovation, growth and employment in the Baltic Sea Region.

Furthermore, as an important aim of the seminar was to increase awareness of the Policy Areas’ Flagship Projects and their results, the Flagship Projects were presented at the seminar, so that the participants could give feedback on how to utilise the results to strengthen the maritime sector in the Baltic Sea Region in the future.

The EUSBSR was adopted by the European Council in October 2009 and is Europe’s first macro-regional strategy. The Strategy aims at reinforcing cooperation and actions within the Baltic Sea Region, in order to meet major challenges by working together, as well as promoting a balanced development in the area. The Strategy is divided into several policy areas, among those PA Safe and PA Ship.


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