Well-connected integrated maritime systems

Well-connected integrated maritime systems

New marine satellite communication systems provide better coverage, highest throughput, and lower fixed monthly rates. Nowadays, marine satellite providers are utilizing different wavelengths and frequencies developing highly reliable communication offerings that provide stability, redundancy, and availability as they are dynamically bundling satellite L-Ka-Ku bands via modulation and multiplexing.

For us, at DANAOS , is like Christmas Came Early!

Eventually, onboard hardware appliances and software apps can find their right fit on the ship’s network and play their role; to securely disseminate role-specific services.

Our onboard ship management, supply, crew management and ISM apps can now be well orchestrated and integrated with hardware and virtual machines, databases, and operating systems with just … a click, bringing into the market a centralized, well-integrated ecosystem of apps that can be installed, configured, updated and launched on-demand directly from the IT admin from the office, onshore.

Where third party platforms, such as private clouds, can ease data transfer, online backup and provide a disaster resilient environment. Where situation awareness will become imminent, increasing operational efficiency on a safer and eco-friendly vessel.

Our vision for integration can now take a step forward and propel a device-user-oriented approach where our apps will be self-adjusted to each user. Where a unique UX will be based on mapping/designing personal dashboards and information will be prioritized based on user-role, location, and current situation.

Utilizing DanaosONE (www.danaos1.com) platform we are deploying a sophisticated, automated toolchain of installers, software packages, web apps, virtual appliances and development stacks materializing the concept of: “Unattended monitoring and detection systems”


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