Six missing after oil tanker sinks off Malaysia

Six missing after oil tanker sinks off Malaysia

Six crewmen are reported missing, after an oil tanker sank in Johor waters, off Malaysia, in early hours of June 15. The ship is believed to have capsized due to explosion.

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) said that the “MT Putri Sea” was carrying crude oil and she is registered to Equatorial Guinea. All the crewmen are of Indonesian nationality. 

According to local media, at about 5 am, the Singapore Police Coast Guard (SPCG) sent a notification to the Malaysian Agency, informing that the ship could not be contacted. The local forces suggested that the incident could have happened 4.6 nautical miles off Tanjung Pengelih, Johor.

Four boats commenced a search and rescue operation in the area, at 12:30 pm of the same day.

There have been no further findings, but oil spill traces were found in the investigated area.


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