WPCI sets program to count Environmental Ship Index

WPCI sets program to count Environmental Ship Index

In order to help reduce Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), Sulfur Oxide (SOx), and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions, the World Ports Climate Initiative (WPCI) has established a program for measuring Environmental Ship Index (ESI), according to the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI). The RMI Maritime Administrator issued an advisory to inform and encourage participation in the program.

As explained, the program is administered by the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), which has reported that there are about 5,500 ships participating in the program, along with about 50 incentive providers, including ports and the Panama Canal.

Importantly, the ESI program is free to owners, and ships that participate are offered a reduction in port dues provided their ESI score meets a certain threshold.

The RMI has also appropriated a list of incentive providers, current as of this date, which may be used to evaluate those areas where benefits in port fees may be available.


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