MPA Singapore launches Smart Port Challenge 2017

MPA Singapore launches Smart Port Challenge 2017

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) announced the launch of Smart Port Challenge 2017, that will synergise maritime industry players with start-ups and VC communities. The SPC aims to generate solutions, leveraging digital technologies such as IoT, data analytics and artificial intelligence, to tackle some of the most pressing challenges identified in consultation with the co-creators.

Some of the challenge statements include:

  • How can MPA enhance navigational safety and achieve better management within our limited sea space?
  • What tools can be applied by our port operators so container terminal operations can be more effective?
  • How can the application of augmented and virtual reality help PSA Marine reduce training and certification costs for their pilots and harbourcraft crew?
  • How can Jurong Port coordinate the arrival schedule of delivery trucks and lighters against the availability of their terminals?
  • How can these ease congestion and improve safety and productivity for all parties?

During the launch of SPC, on June 5, the MPA Singapore chief executive Andrew Tan suggested that, in the bunkering sector, an efficient and collaborative platform can be set up to handle the checking of credit ratings, as well as improve transparency in the market, which are some of challenges identified by co-creators.

Mr Tan also informed that this year, MPA Singapore is expanding collaboration with the Port of Rotterdam, in order to explore ways to improve port-to-port linkages that will facilitate faster port clearances and just-in-time vessel arrivals.

“Through initiatives such as SPC 2017, we hope to catalyse innovation in the maritime sector through closer partnerships with the government, industry partners and start-ups in the maritime space”, he said.


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