Nautical Institute launches training on handling ships in Arctic

Nautical Institute launches training on handling ships in Arctic

The Nautical Institute announced the launch of the Ice Navigator Training and Certification Scheme, the latest of its professional training schemes, developed in response to rapidly growing demand for officers with proven expertise in handling ships in ice.

Participants must demonstrate practical competence on board and in simulator exercises, and show a thorough understanding of ice regimes, including ice physics, operations in sea ice, hazards, search and rescue and weather.

Speaking on the occasion of the launch, Captain Duke Snider FNI, President of the Nautical Institute, said: “Operating ships within any ice regime requires specialist knowledge, skills and a level of awareness beyond those of the majority of mariners. This course will help to equip ships’ officers to meet the unique challenges posed by navigating in ice.”

While the Scheme is designed to complement IMO’s Polar Code, course content is not restricted to the Polar regions, and it expands on the minimum requirements of STCW. The focus is on actual shiphandling and operation of vessels in ice-covered waters worldwide.

Under ‘grandfathering’ arrangements, a participant who can prove they have prior experience in ice may be eligible for the award of either a Level 1 or Level 2 Ice Navigator Certificate.

Award of an NI Ice Navigator Level 1 or Level 2 certificate means the officer will possess an internationally recognised qualification, valid for five years, demonstrating they have the competence and confidence to navigate safely in ice anywhere within the limits of their CoC.


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