APL notes highest carbon emission reduction in 2016

APL notes highest carbon emission reduction in 2016

Singapore-based container shipping company APL announced its highest recorded fleet carbon dioxide emissions reduction of 48% in 2016, compared to its base level in 2009.

“APL is pleased to register our best carbon reduction performance as yet, improving our fleet emission level by about 3%, versus our reduction in 2015” said APL CEO, Nicolas Sartini.

The emission reduction is a result of APL’s vessel performance management and maintenance strategy, as well as the deployment of a fuel-efficient and environmentally-friendly fleet of vessels, according to the company.

Moving forward, APL aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions per container transported by 30% between 2015 and 2025, a target set by the CMA CGM Group.

The company also informed that it will  persist with cold-ironing development and pioneer ballast water treatment development, amongst others, by embracing technology innovation, clean energy sources and best practices.

Explore more by reading APL’s sustainability report herebelow:


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