USCG urges for attention during testing CO2 systems

USCG urges for attention during testing CO2 systems

The United States Coast Guard recently issued a Safety Alert, detailing two inspections where USCG Marine Inspectors witnessed that the testing and maintenance of carbon dioxide (CO2) systems resulted in serious safety threats that almost led to loss of lives.

In view of this, the USCG is reminding owners and operators that CO2 system inspection, testing, and maintenance requires thoughtful planning and risk mitigation efforts to prevent such events from happening.

Specifically, the USCG has noted that both serious instances reflect a lack of knowledge and risk awareness by the persons involved. Therefore, it is strongly recommending:

  1. Only persons adequately trained and properly evaluated be permitted to participate in CO2 testing and maintenance procedures onboard vessels;
  2. Every person involved must know and consider the resulting outcomes for each step of the testing procedure prior to it taking place; and
  3. Risks associated with CO2 and other systems should never be underestimated. Risk prevention activities should always lean towards providing the greatest safety margins for those involved, including 100% accountability of all personnel aboard the vessel prior to conducting an operational test of a system.

The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Maritime Administrator also reminds owners and operators to remain aware of the risks present and knowledge required for successful and safe CO2 system inspections, testing, and maintenance.


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