Availability of 180 CST bunker fuel at Greece’s Piraeus set to rise

Availability of 180 CST bunker fuel at Greece’s Piraeus set to rise

Availability of 180 CST bunker fuel in the Greek port of Piraeus is set to rise this week, after a period of tightness, according to market sources in the port.

The local bunkering market had been out of the fuel since the middle of last week, amid tight general availability of all bunker fuel in the port.

While something of a niche segment of the bunker market, 180 CST is used by ferries and other smaller-sized vessels.

Platts assessed 180 CST in Piraeus at $316/mt on Monday, down from a two-week high of $355/mt on Friday on the back of weaker crude levels and an expected influx of supplies to the region.


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