Paris MoU releases CIC results on MLC

Paris MoU releases CIC results on MLC

The Paris MoU has released a report including the results of its latest CIC which focused on compliance with  MLC requirements. The campaign was carried out between 1 Sept to 30 Nov 2016 where a total of 3,674 inspections were carried out and a  total of 42 ships were detained. Principal grounds for detention were linked with wages, seafarer’s employment agreement and procedure of complaint areas.

In general,the Paris MoU finds that the results of the CIC on MLC show a good standard of implementation of the MLC,2006 requirements on board the ships inspected, with a minimum of 95% of positive results in the Questionnaire, except the question regarding the SEA content (93,5% of positive results) and sufficient compliance on the subjects in the questionnaire with respect to the number of detentions.

Regarding the number and the nature of deficiencies in relation to the seafarer’s employment agreement, the Paris MoU emphasizes that all the information required by the MLC must be included in the SEA.

In particular, the number of deficiencies raised during the CIC andthe analysis of the deficiencies through the detentions in line with CIC, show that the SEA don’t always meet the requirements of MLC,2006 in terms of mandatory information. Primarily the concerns are related to information on calculation of wages, entitlement to repatriation, the termination of agreement, if applicable and health and social security protection benefits.



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