NOAA warns of above-normal active hurricane season in Atlantic

NOAA warns of above-normal active hurricane season in Atlantic

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued the scheduled update for its 2017 hurricane season outlook, warning that the season has the potential to be the most active since 2010.

Specifically, NOAA forecasters predict a higher likelihood of an above-normal season and increase the predicted number of named storms and major hurricanes. This means:

  • There is a 60-percent chance of an above-normal season (compared to the May prediction of 45 percent chance),
  • with 14-19 named storms (increased from the May predicted range of 11-17) and
  • 2-5 major hurricanes (increased from the May predicted range of 2-4).
  • A prediction for 5-9 hurricanes remains unchanged from the intial May outlook.  

Credit: NOAA

“We’re now entering the peak of the season when the bulk of the storms usually form,” said Gerry Bell, Ph.D., lead seasonal hurricane forecaster at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center. “The wind and air patterns in the area of the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean where many storms develop are very conducive to an above-normal season. This is in part because the chance of an El Nino forming, which tends to prevent storms from strengthening, has dropped significantly from May.”

Dr Bell noted other factors that point to an above-normal season include warmer waters across the tropical Atlantic than models previously predicted and higher predicted activity from available models.

In just the first nine weeks of this season, there have been six named storms, which is half the number of storms during an average six-month season and double the number of storms that would typically form by early August. An average Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1-November 30, produces 12 named storms, of which six become hurricanes, including three major hurricanes.

Today’s update also decreases the chance of a near-normal season from 35 percent to 30 percent, and a below-normal season from 20 percent to only 10 percent from the initial outlook issued in May.

In view of the upcoming peak of hurricane season, when hurricanes are most frequent and at their strongest, NOAA urges coastal residents to make sure they have their hurricane preparedness plans in place and to monitor the latest forecasts.



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