NAPA updates its systems to comply with EU MRV legislation

NAPA updates its systems to comply with EU MRV legislation

NAPA informed that existing users of its performance monitoring systems can achieve compliance with new MRV reporting requirements after applying updates. Therefore, users of NAPA Shipping Solutions, ClassNK-NAPA GREEN and NAPA-DSME Power can generate automatically created annual or voyage-by-voyage MRV reports and export them as CSV files, requiring only a small process change by crew.

Crew must update the performance monitoring system with changes of activity, like being in port or at anchor, known as phase information. With that information, the performance monitoring system automatically completes the rest of the process, collecting data on fuel consumption from main engines, auxiliary engines, gas turbines, boilers and inert gas generators, and reporting for each engine the fuel type and fuel consumption data (where fuel meters are in use).

This data is then automatically shared with shore-based teams, ready for export from NAPA Office as a CSV file and submission to the EMSA portal, NAPA explained.

“For each performance monitoring system NAPA supports, NAPA Shipping Solutions, ClassNK-NAPA GREEN and NAPA-DSME Power®, we have enabled simple, one-click report generation for MRV, enabling voyage-by-voyage or annual reporting to be completed as simply, and quickly as possible. This functionality has also been designed to meet reporting criteria and be compatible with the IMO’s fuel consumption data collection system from 2019.” said Risto Kariranta, Director of Services, NAPA Shipping Solutions


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