Robbers board bulk carrier off Indonesia

Robbers board bulk carrier off Indonesia

Two robbers boarded a bulk carrier and entered the steering gear room, while the ship was underway, off Pulau Nipah, Indonesia, on 20 August, according to the IMB Piracy Report Centre. 

As IMB informed, the robbers threatened the duty oiler with a knife. Once the robbers left the steering gear room, the oiler immediately informed the 3/E, who notified the bridge.  

Master noticed, on the radar, two small boats heading towards Indonesia. An alarm was raised and the crew was mustered. The VTS Central Traffic Control was informed and a warship responded and assisted the ship to the anchorage area.

The Chief Officer made checks and found all crew are safe. The ship anchored in Singapore Anchorage and the US Coast Guard and Custom boarded for investigations.


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