Honduras explore implementation of maritime security

Honduras explore implementation of maritime security

A national exercise on maritime security took place in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on 28-29 August, IMO informed. The aim of the event was to encourage a multi-agency approach to maritime security and maritime law enforcement issues.

The exercise also highlighted the need for an integrated approach to the implementation of SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code. Broader security measures were looked at, with a view to strengthening national implementation of the special measures to enhance maritime security.

Under the guidance of IMO consultants, participants reviewed and discussed a number of possible maritime and port security scenarios and identified gaps and opportunities for improvement, recognizing the importance of better cooperation and communication between national agencies. The group produced a number of recommendations that will be further considered by relevant authorities.

A number of different national agencies, including representatives of the ISPS designated authority, national administration, naval, military and air forces, port authorities, national police, immigration authorities, fire-fighters, red cross, health services, intelligence agencies, amongst others attended the exercise.


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