Robbers board container ship off Manila

Robbers board container ship off Manila

In its weekly piracy report, ReCAAP ISC reported one incident of armed robbery against the container ship “Warnow Master”, while anchoring in the waters off South Harbour Manila, Philippines, on August 16.

As explained, when conducting routine inspection, the duty roving watch noticed two perpetrators inside the hawse pipe at the starboard side of the ship.

He immediately reported the incident to the duty officer on watch who alerted the master, sounded the general alarm and reported the incident

to the Vessel Traffic Management System (VTMS) Manila. The perpetrators, upon hearing the alarm, jumped into the water.

The crew was not injured and no stolen items were reported. 

The location of the incident  is as shown in map below:


The ReCAAP ISC urges ship master and crew to report all incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships to the nearest coastal State and flag State, exercise vigilance and adopt relevant preventive measures taking reference from the Regional Guide to Counter Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia.


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