New certification scheme boosts safety in the Netherlands

New certification scheme boosts safety in the Netherlands

Bureau Veritas has informed that a certification scheme has been introduced in the Netherlands, aiming to ensure a safe working environment and reduce pollution, in line with regulatory requirements.

SCIOS is an accredited certification scheme that covers standards for inspection and maintenance of combustion installations and electrical installations. Certification is performed by a selected certification agency. 

It also provides guidance for fire safety inspections of electrical installations and inspection standards for explosion proof installations, which can be conducted by companies with ISO 17020 accreditation, or as notified body for ATEX/IECEx.

The SCIOS scheme is used for fuel lines, gas turbines, gas engines, diesel fire water pumps, emergency generators, micro turbines and other types of combustion installations on offshore assets. Installations require an initial inspection at which threshold values are recorded.

During periodical inspections and maintenance, these thresholds are considered the norm. For each installation a baseline report and installation data are recorded.


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