Maritime NZ: Skippers liable for everyone’s safety onboard

Maritime NZ: Skippers liable for everyone’s safety onboard

The skipper of a ceremonial waka, which capsized on Whakatane River bar in January last year, has been convicted and fined $1,350 by a New Zealand court, for putting his five crew in unnecessary danger.

Maritime NZ Central Compliance Manager Pelin Davison says the verdict is a reminder to the skippers of any vessels that they are responsible for the safety of everybody on-board.

    “Bar crossings are notoriously dangerous. If in doubt do not cross, and always check with the harbourmaster or Coastguard for local conditions before getting anywhere near the swells around river and harbour entrances,” she says.

The 11-metre catamaran-style waka was attempting to enter Whakatane harbour over its narrow bar at high tide early on the morning of 22 January 2016, when it capsized with the six men tossed overboard.

The harbourmaster had ruled the bar unworkable the day before, and there was still a two metre swell when the waka crew attempted to cross. The Nukutaiao did not have enough speed to stay ahead of the breaking water and was upended while surfing down one wave.

Early-morning surfers on shore were able to paddle out and help the crew to safety, with one man retrieved by Coastguard. The waka was salvaged with broken masts and other damage.

Ms Davison says the sentence is a timely reminder, with the recreational boating season about to start, that skippers must:

    check the weather and conditions

    ensure crew wear lifejackets where appropriate – especially in times of heightened danger like bar crossings

    prepare their boat, and check it is fit for the activity intended

    make sure they take two forms of waterproof communications, like VHF radio and an emergency rescue beacon

    know the rules on the water

    and, if in doubt, don’t cross a bar.




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