USCG updates NVIC on MLC implementation

USCG updates NVIC on MLC implementation

The USCG has published a revised guidance(NVIC 02-13, CH-1) on the implemenation of the MLC amendments (2014) which focus on financial security for the repatriation of seafarers and financial security relating to shipowners’ liability in cases of seafarer injury or death.

This NVIC provides explanation and guidance that describe how these new provisions conform with existing national laws and regulations, collective bargaining agreements, and established industry practices.

Specifically, the revised guidance updates the ‘Statement of Voluntary Compliance Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (SOVC-DMLC) Part I, SOVC-DMLC Part II and Owner/Operator Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance’ to reflect the requirements relating to financial security for the repatriation of seafarers (Regulation 2.5.2) and financial security relating to shipowners’ liability in cases of seafarer injury or death (Regulation 4.2.1).

In addition, a new form letter has been provided which will serve as documentary evidence of financial security. All changes are underlined in the final version which may be found herebelow:


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