Denmark’s Blue INNOship focuses on smart ships

Denmark’s Blue INNOship focuses on smart ships

Danish Shipping announced the launch of the second phase of the maritime innovation project Blue INNOship, focused on digitization and new business models.

The current goal is that Blue Denmark be strengthened in the rapidly expanding digitization and automation, as well as the complex environment. Specifically, Blue INNOship II will concentrate on the smart ship of the future, including digital solutions, measurement and control surfaces, Internet of Things, autonomous systems and operations, cyber security, sustainability, energy efficiency, regulatory needs and future business models.

Based on the recommendations of the Growth Team for the Blue Denmark, the Danish Maritime Fund has allocated 1.1 million kroner for developing the foundation for Blue INNOship II, after granting 25 million kroner for the first phase, back in June.

The Blue INNOship II project will initially run until spring 2018 and will be presented in two results. First, an analysis that describes the strengths, challenges and development possibilities of Blue Denmark, based on the Growth Team’s report. Thus, benchmarks will be set for future development needs. The second result will be a concrete application for the Innovation Fund, which is expected to be published in spring 2018. At the same time, other projects, such as research, should also be founded.

    “As industry, we are under pressure from international competition and new digital players. We are in a kind of innovation race where it is important to expand our skills and know-how faster. We hope that Blue INNOship II can become a forum where research and new technologies can easily be tested. We must demonstrate what works, thereby creating competitive advantages, export successes and good environmental initiatives. It will be an exciting collaboration across professional groups that can create a very special dynamic, “says Rune Hahn Kristensen, Innovation Portfolio Manager at Maersk Line.

In the coming months, there will be invitations to workshops around the country, so that stakeholders work from a long-term perspective and make suggestions as to how the future’s ship, its business systems and interfaces for ports, as well as transport and logistics systems can gaze.




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