Defying resilience in shipping industry

Defying resilience in shipping industry

SQE MARINE Consulting company explains what the new buzz word ‘Resilience’ means for the shipping industry, highlighting that shipping companies can only reap benefits if they streamline their systems and operations based on this approach.

In general, the resilient approach includes the following actions:

    Learn from previous experience (focus on accidents / lessons learned / best practices)

    Respond to actual (regular and irregular conditions) in an effective, flexible manner

    Monitor short-term developments and threats

    Anticipate long-term threats and opportunities

A system based on above cycle is able to provide opportunities for development by achieving experience through “Knowing what has happened – Knowing what to do being capable of doing it – Knowing what to look for – Imagining what to expect.”

Consequently, the benefit of a resilience management is to increase the number of things that go right among Company’s activities and not just to mark what went wrong.

To implement resilience in their operations, SQE MARINE advises ship managers to revise their approach to safety issues and encourage employees (ashore and on board) for better safety performance through the development of human strengths and behaviors.

Items for focus could be:

    Clear expectations towards employee safety behavior

    Definition of level of Competency to be achieved

    Safety Leadership

    Feedback on Safety Behavior & Performance



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